Cambodia Investment Review
In pursuit of enhancing the standard of living for rural Cambodians, Panasonic Cambodia has reaffirmed its commitment to providing affordable and clean energy partnering with the non-governmental organizations, Light with Dignity (LWD), and JELA.
As part of this long-term mission, the organizations have delivered an additional 540 solar lanterns to off-grid regions in Pursat and Kampong Speu Provinces. This initiative, called “Light up the Future,” aims to create avenues for quality education, healthcare, and sustainable living in communities that lack access to electricity.
Read more: Panasonic Awards Scholarships to Outstanding Students in Cambodia
This initiative aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG #1) to end poverty, an issue that Panasonic has been addressing since its inception.
The objective of providing affordable and clean energy, as set out in Sustainable Development Goal #7, is closely aligned with the goals of improving health and well-being (#3), promoting quality education (#4), achieving gender equality (#5), and ultimately, to end poverty (#1).
Panasonic Cambodia has taken strides towards achieving this objective by distributing over 100,000 solar lanterns in 30 countries across three continents, thus showcasing its dedication to creating a significant global impact.
Panasonic’s dedication to community engagement
Yasunobu Matsumoto, CEO and Country Head of Panasonic Cambodia, and Naoyuki Tada from Panasonic Corporate Citizenship Division in Japan, led the distribution mission to Say Village in Pursat Province and Preythom Village in Kampong Speu Province. Panasonic Staff were joined by LWD team members, the district governor, and other local dignitaries.
At the distribution ceremony, Mr. Matsumoto expressed his excitement at meeting the villagers in person and emphasized Panasonic’s dedication to community engagement. “These solar lanterns will not only eliminate health issues and fire risks but also reduce CO2 emissions, providing more time for education, medical treatment, and nighttime handicraft work,” he said. “This is not a one-time effort, and Panasonic will continue to assist in improving the lighting conditions of rural Cambodia,” he added.
Naoyuki Tada, Manager from Panasonic Corporate Citizenship Division in Japan, shared similar sentiments, stating that the company is committed to creating an inclusive society free of poverty. “The ‘Light up the Future’ program is one of our social responsibilities to end poverty. That’s why we are partnering with LWD, a non-governmental organization that works with vulnerable communities to improve their personal and socioeconomic conditions through a holistic development strategy.”
Solar lanterns ‘a variety of uses’ for the community
Prior to the solar lantern distribution, LWD conducted a survey to identify the families with the greatest need. Solar lanterns have a variety of uses, such as providing light for cooking and studying, as well as making nighttime activities safer.
Panasonic Cambodia, established in 2010, serves as the official representative office of Panasonic Singapore, handling marketing, after-sales service, and repair in Cambodia. The company also actively works to create lasting, positive impacts on society and the communities it serves. For more information, please visit the Panasonic Cambodia website at